Freedom From Judgment

Are you tired of acting out the same unconscious patterns toward yourself and others? Have you been frustrated with how little seems to shift no matter how much spiritual work you do?

Freedom From Judgment

Total running time: 15 Hours

Are you ready to experience the profound relief, inspired joy, effortless freedom, and eternal bliss of your true infinite self? Isn’t it time to finally end the seeking, suffering, avoiding, and negotiating by reclaiming your power once and for all?

If so, please join spiritual teacher, Matt Kahn and sound healer, Julie Dittmar for a nourishing, uplifting, and transformative journey to experience freedom from the pitfalls of personal judgment. This is an opportunity to resolve each worry, release every distraction, and enter the doorway of your highest destiny in the most heart-centered way.

This retreat package includes:

  • Group healings and activations;
  • Profound experiences of letting go;
  • Gentle and restorative sacred chants to assist in integrating the energies from the teachings, and to awaken consciousness;
  • And laughter and deep relaxation exercises to rejuvenate body and mind, calm the over-stimulated nervous system, and revitalize the immune system.

Track #1 – Introduction
Explore the transmission of healing energy that Matt provides with tips on how to maximize the transformation received throughout the retreat.

18 minutes

Track #2 – Surrendering Blame
Demystify the old spiritual paradigm to free you from judging the cleverly-disguised catalysts that ensure the completion of your journey.

1 hr. 15 mins.

Track #3 – Breathe in, Breathe Out
Through this guided experience, Matt invites you to discover yourself beyond all boundaries, beliefs, and ideas. This includes a deeper understanding of breathing and how it can be used to unravel anger, dishonesty, and fear from your life.

1 hr. 21 mins.

Track #4 – Specialness without Superiority
Matt reveals how one of your greatest fears and deepest desires are actually one in the same. As this is realized, you are able to fulfill your highest purpose without attachment to role, identity, outcome, status, or circumstance. This also includes a way of viewing apologies in the most empowered way.

1 hr. 7 mins.

Track #5 – Returning to your Innocence
Learn to embrace your true innocent nature as a catalyst for awakening in the most balanced and mature manner. This also includes a healing mantra to unlock your true inner specialness for the well-being of all.

7 mins.

Track #6 – Gayatri Mantra/OM Chants
Join Julie in honoring the Divine essence in all with these deeply transformative chants. Through chanting, you are able to integrate the healing energy of Matt’s transmission in a more accelerated way, balance the right and left hemispheres of the brain, and relax the body and breath. The Gayatri mantra is a sacred prayer to the luminous giver of light/life and that illumination within all.

16 mins.

Track #7 – I Love You Song
Sing along with Julie as she shares her “I love you” song as a sonic meditation to open your heart to the greatest miracles in existence and reunite you with the grace of your true innocent nature.

8 mins.

Track #8 – Harmony is Everything (Part 1)
Beginning with a powerful intention, Matt invites you to discover a harmony that is always present – no matter the outcomes or circumstances you face in life. This includes an opportunity to let go of beliefs in control, so you may directly explore the nature of reality in the most joyful way.

55 mins.

Track #9 – Ram Chant
Join in the group vibration to help you integrate the healing energy absorbed through Matt’s transmission of presence with this deeply transformative chant. This chant activates the solar plexus chakra (3rd) and third-eye (6th)chakras. “Ram” is a name for Souce/Consciousness/God. It brings about expanded awareness, Truth, and blessings.

7 mins.

Track #10 – Harmony is Everything (Part 2)
As the second half of the harmony teaching, Matt reveals your subjective experience as the nature of reality, instead of imagining it as something to change or overcome. This track also includes pinpointing the prime pattern of ego to extinguish the fire of discontent throughout your life.

58 mins.

Track #11 – Harmony is Everything (Part 3)
Taking the harmony teaching even deeper, Matt reveals the freedom of your eternal nature as the spontaneous experience of forgetting how to want. This includes an inquiry into the nature of wanting to liberate your innocence from the desperation of discontent.

41 mins.

Track #12 – Q&A: “Unworthiness and Money”
In this dialogue, Matt reveals how being honest about your personal difficulties allows harmony, ease, and flow to enter your reality no matter the circumstances at hand.

6 mins.

Track #13 – I AM Happy, I AM Healthy, I AM Abundant, I AM Free
Explore the I AM mantra practice to rewrite your subconscious mind and integrate the healing energy of Matt’s transmission into all aspects of your being.

9 mins.

Track #14 – The Path of Love
Through Matt’s humor and transmission of healing energy, this track helps you demystify many spiritual misconceptions to reveal the most miraculous, loving path in existence.

55 mins.

Track #15 – I AM Love, Love I AM
With healing Solfeggio frequencies in the background, Julie spontaneously guides you on a lucid meditative journey into the heart of liberated joy through one of Matt’s teachings.

5 mins.

Track #16 – The Prime Fear of Ego
Venture beyond the core of human suffering by discovering the most unsuspecting thing the ego fears. Once recognized, you are able to explore life as a timeless reality, so you can make peace with the circumstances that only ensure your highest evolution.

1 hr. 8 mins.

Track #17 – Letting Go of Understanding
Through this teaching, you can experience a profound depth of clarity by discovering I AM as the only answer in existence.

54 mins.

Track #18 – The Activity of Honesty
As a way of clarifying the importance and simplicity of surrender, this teaching reveals a revolutionary approach to “letting go,” including relinquishing the notion that anything is meant to be let go of at all. From this space, greater connection with your innocence allows the Truth of your eternal nature to shine brighter than ever before.

1 hr. 16 mins.

Track #19 – So Hum Chant
Join Julie and the group in a chant that awakens the presence of Divinity within you, and assist you in integrating the healing energy of Matt’s transmission. So Hum translates as “I am that. I am that I am,” and serves to relax the autonomic nervous system.

14 mins.

Track #20 – Unobjectified Feeling
Venture beyond the judgments of labels by feeling each sensation directly. In the absence of deciding what any feeling means, you are able to sense reality as an aliveness of being within and throughout any feeling in particular.

54 mins.

Track #21 – Loving the One Who Judges
Explore the nature of confusion as a universal sign that your heart is ready to open. Once confusion has dawned, the opportunity to relax into it allows the Truth of reality to awaken. Also includes the deeper purpose for why thoughts exist, and how to create abundance with heart-centered joy.

1 hr. 3 mins.

Track #22 – Seek Nothing But Love
Discover the importance of feeling good about yourself as a powerful way of inspiring potent spiritual growth and energetic expansion. This allows true understanding, the grace of enlightenment, and the fulfillment of your highest destiny to find you, instead of trying to chase after it. Also includes the importance of honest communication and blessing others as a way of manifesting peace, joy, and fulfillment in your life.

1 hr. 1 min.