Live Chants Vol. 1

Out of the three-volume set of live retreat chants, this one has a very sacred feel to it. Whether the chants are more meditative or more lively, they are sure to soothe and stir the soul in the most profound ways.

You can purchase the complete set of Live Chants Vols. 1,2 & 3 here (sliding scale).

Live Chants Vol. 1

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Total running time: 6 tracks, 75 mins.

Track 1 Introduction & Om Chant – This is an intro to chanting the primordial sound of Om. It is a sacred sound that is said to be the first sound in the Universe. It is a deep, delicious dive into the transformative energetic power of chant.

Track 2 Om Shanti Om – Let us fully immerse ourselves in this practice. Stomp your feet, clap your hands, grab a shaker or tambourine, and get this grounding beat and peace mantra chanted into your cells. This is a mood-booster for sure!

Track 3 Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha – This chant invokes the energy of Ganesha who aims to remove obstacles, negativity and fear, while also ushering in new beginnings, and replenishing our root chakra. This track has the add support of rainstick and drone for a richer soundscape experience.

Track 4 Ah Heart Seed Sound – The seed syllable sound of the heart chakra is Ah. Join the group for this wake up and activation of the heart chakra. Enjoy the absolutely heavenly choir of tones created spontaneously by the group experience.

Track 5 Sri Ram Jai Ram – There are so many ways to praise “the One.” It’s all just about love and devotion, the bhakti path of heart. Learn how to use chant as medicine. You’ll hear Matt Kahn chime in about chocolate as Matt and Julie joke about cilantro, bacon, and bleu cheese. Be sure to clap along as the energy builds and dance and whirl to your heart’s content.

Track 6 So Hum – “So” is the outbreath and “Hum” is the inbreath creating a circle of breath and mantra, each connected to one another. The Sanskrit translations is “I am that, that I am.” This is seeing yourself in everyone and everything, and acknowledging the divinity of life. Let this chant rock you back and forth; let the sweeping motion of this chant settle and balance the hemispheres of your brain and cells of the whole body.