Pushing Daisies Shows Love Beyond All Barriers

Wow! Okay, so it only took me "11 years, 2 weeks, 2 days, 2 hours, and 2 minutes” to discover this particular visually stunning work of art on the planet, called "Pushing Daisies."

I'm 12 episodes into this show that originally aired 2007-2009. THIS is the result of how beautifully creative we humans can be when we come together to co-create magic.

The dialogue is written and delivered in a clever play on words, loads of double entendres, metaphors, and often at rapid-fire speed. The nods to Dr. Seuss are exquisitely woven into the storylines and visuals.

And even though this show explores both life and death, no worries about things being too graphic or gory here. I, like most of you, am energetically-sensitive and can't handle half of what's on regular TV nowadays or even the movie trailers for horror films. The show's creators even handle the shadowy side of death with a much appreciated lighter hand and humor ;)

The actors are wonderfully talented at their craft, and the sets and visual effects are said to have been created to take you into a world somewhere between the look and feel of the movie "Amelie" and the lighter works of Tim Burton.

The individual characters are so well developed from the very first episode, that we want to see them, know them, feel what they bring to the whole, and care about them. The depth of their interconnection is felt beyond their words and interactions. So much emotion can be conveyed in a mere glance.

My inner sound healer was delighted by the support of the fanciful, whimsical, fantasy-inducing music, and the tantalizing tones in Jim Dale's voice in the narration. They take you into another world that is simply sublime!

The love story between the two main characters who cannot physically touch, takes you deeper into a love beyond all perceived barriers. How can we express love beyond the dimension of touch with someone we care for so deeply? The flirty exploration of this is an exciting, thrilling journey with many twists.

What wonder and delight to be in human form to experience art like this that helps us to have a greater appreciation for life through the human form. To have so many dedicated, talented people come together to show us this "hologram inside the hologram" of life is a magical marvel of life's loveliness.

Okay, now I must go have a slice of perfectly pleasing pie ;) Joyfully join me?

Always love, dogs, flowers, and pie,


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